Week 6
Solutions to File I/O and Consolidatio
Exercise 1 - Basic File I/O
Here we create a file, and add some random lines to it. Then we read and print out the file contents.
# create a file
my_file = open("musings.txt", "w+")
# write some things to the file
my_file.write("These are some of my thoughts\n")
my_file.write("The solutions are so great\n")
my_file.write("Thanks for these interesting exercises alex\n")
# close the file, so that we can then read from it
# open the file for reading
my_file = open("musings.txt", "r")
# now read each line in the file, and print it out
for line in my_file:
# close access to the file again
Exercise 2 - Wherefore art thou paragraph
Here we define a function to read N paragraphs from a file, and print them.
def read_shakespeare(num_of_paragraphs):
# open the file, read all the lines and store them
shakespeare_file = open("shakespeare.txt", "r")
lines = shakespeare_file.readlines()
current_paragraph = 1
line_num = 0
# keep printing, until we are at the paragraph we want to stop at
while current_paragraph <= num_of_paragraphs:
current_line = lines[line_num]
# remove whitespace from line, as paragraph lines have spaces before
# the number, check if its the next paragraph
if current_line.strip() == str(current_paragraph + 1):
# we have reached the next paragraph
current_paragraph = current_paragraph + 1
if current_paragraph > num_of_paragraphs:
break # don't print the line if we exceed paragraph
# print the line, rstrip removes newline character at the end of the line
line_num = line_num + 1
Exercise 3 - Caesar's Cipher Consolidates Cool Class
def decipher(file_name, decode_word, frequency):
cipher_file = open(file_name, "r")
cipher = cipher_file.readline()
cipher_offset = 0
decode_diff = []
for index in range(len(decode_word) - 1):
ascii_diff = ord(decode_word[index+1]) - ord(decode_word[index])
if(ascii_diff < 0):
ascii_diff = ascii_diff % 26
words = cipher.split(" ")
word_count = {}
# print(decode_diff)
for word in words:
if len(word) == len(decode_word) and word in word_count:
word_count[word] = word_count[word] + 1
elif len(word) == len(decode_word):
word_count[word] = 1
# print(word_count)
for key in word_count:
if word_count[key] == frequency:
# now check letter positions
correct_positions = True
for index in range(len(key)-1):
# check ascii position changes between key and decode_word
ascii_diff = ord(key[index+1]) - ord(key[index])
if(ascii_diff < 0):
ascii_diff = ascii_diff % 26
correct_positions = correct_positions & (ascii_diff == decode_diff[index])
# we have found the word
if correct_positions:
cipher_offset = ord(decode_word[0]) - ord(key[0])
if cipher_offset < 0:
cipher_offset = cipher_offset % 26
decryted_words = []
for word in words:
new_word = ""
for char in word:
new_char = chr(97 + ((ord(char) - 97 + cipher_offset) % 26))
new_word = new_word + new_char
plaintext = " ".join(decryted_words)
decipher("mary.txt", 'the', 4)
decipher("charles.txt", 'of', 12)
decipher("agatha.txt", 'train', 2)
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